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TOP The Jellybeans and the Big Camp Kickoff by Laura Joffe Numeroff read flibusta story writer epub

TOP The Jellybeans and the Big Camp Kickoff by Laura Joffe Numeroff read flibusta story writer epub

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Book description
This was the first Jellybeans book weve read - though apparently there are 2 other books in the series so far. This story is about the 4 friends attending a camp for the summer. But while there were activities provided for 3 of the girls interests, there was nothing that Nicole wanted to do. She tried some new things, but they just werent for her. So the friends come together to start their own soccer team to help Nicole.I liked how the book showed the the differences between the friends. Even though they all got along, they were still very different, but that was ok. Just because Nicole liked soccer and one of the others liked art, doesnt mean they cant be friends. While the book may have been a bit preachy to this at the beginning, I think it is an important enough moral that I will over look the preachiness of it.I liked that it showed Nicole try some new things when there wasnt anything initially there she was interested in. It shows kids to try it out and you might be surprised to find you have other interests you didnt know about. But Nicole didnt find anything new she liked. Her friends banded together to come to Nicoles aid to create a soccer team. But then they had to play a game against the big kids of the rival camp.Naturally the story has a happy ending. I think well probably pick up another Jellybean book because this was grabbed our attention enough. The illustrations were nice and colorful. My daughter loved the glitter on the cover - always an eye catching element!
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