TOP The Grape: Wine in All Its Varieties by Jancis Robinson reading access download view format

TOP The Grape: Wine in All Its Varieties by Jancis Robinson reading access download view format

TOP The Grape: Wine in All Its Varieties by Jancis Robinson reading access download view format

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Book description
An indispensable book for every wine lover, from some of the worlds leading wine experts.Where do wine grapes come from and how are grape varieties related to one another? What is the historical background of each one? Where are they grown? What sort of wines do they make?Using cutting-edge DNA analysis and detailing almost 1,400 distinct grape varieties, as well as myriad correct (and incorrect) synonyms, this book examines grapes and wine as never before. Here is a complete, alphabetically presented profile of all grape varieties of relevance to the wine lover, charting the relationships between them and including unique and astounding family trees, their characteristics in the vineyard, and--most important--what the wines made from them taste like.Presented in a stunning design with eight-page gatefolds that reveal the family trees, and a rich variety of full-color illustrations from Viala and Vermorels century-old classic ampelography, the text will deepen readers understanding of grapes and wine with every page. Combining Jancis Robinsons worldview and nose for good writing and good wines with Julia Hardings research, expertise, and attention to detail plus Dr. Vouillamozs unique level of scholarship, Wine Grapes offers essential and original information in greater depth and breadth than has ever been available before. This is a book for wine students, wine experts, and wine lovers everywhere.
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