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TOP The Folded Leaf by William Maxwell download epub without registering fb2 free

TOP The Folded Leaf by William Maxwell download epub without registering fb2 free

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Book description
4 and 1/2 starsThis novel is both extraordinary and ordinary: extraordinary in its prose, and its insights into the mind and behavior of two ordinary boys, their families, other friends and even teachers and university administrators. It has a lot to say about the impact of the early death of a mother and of a distant father on a boy, even during a time when that distance mustve been viewed as ordinary.The outline of the plot is ordinary, the intense friendship between two opposites inevitably tested when they are at college together; but the writing, especially those passages when the narratorial voice steps out of his storytelling at the perfect times to explore the wide spaces that come between even the closest of human beings, and what we must do to traverse those spaces, so we can expand beyond ourselves, so we can live, is extraordinary.
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