TOP The Elements Of E Mail Style: Communicate Effectively Via Electronic Mail by David Angell epub online free

TOP The Elements Of E Mail Style: Communicate Effectively Via Electronic Mail by David Angell epub online free

TOP The Elements Of E Mail Style: Communicate Effectively Via Electronic Mail by David Angell epub online free

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Book description
Electronic mail is rapidly becoming the dominant form of written communication in the 1990s, and effective e-mail writing skills are essential for everyone in both professional and personal settings. This fast-paced medium makes new demands on writing style and has its own customs and conventions. The challenge of e-mail is combining formal and informal written English, online jargon, and the right personal style to create clear and concise electronic communication. The Elements of E-mail Style is the first practical guide to written electronic communication. It simplifies and summarizes essential writing techniques so you can upgrade your writing skills and see your e-mail make maximum impact in minimal time. Youll quickly learn how to master e-mail conventions, such as its jargon and etiquette; deal with issues of e-mail politics and privacy; structure your e-mail messages for impact; simplify your e-mail by choosing the right words and cutting word fat; achieve the right tone and rhythm; build better e-mail messages sentence by sentence; improve your spelling and use abbreviations to save time; add expression to your e-mail messages by using punctuation and smileys; and give visual variety to your e-mail through formatting and special characters.
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