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Book description
War Among the Dragons . . . When dragons make war, Krynn can only tremble in the shaodw of angry wings.-- Astinus Lorekeeper Aurican and Darlantan, mighty serpents of gold and silver, have been nurtured in a world of wisdom, meditation, and sublime faith. On the other side of Ansalon, Crematia, a dragon of red, inherits the Dark Queens legacy of betrayal, violence, conquest, and plunder. The advent of a worldwide war sweeps these powerful beings and many more into desperate strife. Battles rage over Krynn with a fury that threatens to annilhilate nations and whole races -- even dragonkind. As campaigns ebb and flow, generations of lesser mortals come and go, and the great serpents are left to determine the fate of the world. Their triumphs may create a destiny of all-encompassing light or cast the world beneath the shadoe of ultimate darkness. The Dragons The Lost Histories Series probes the historical roots and epic struggles of little-known inhabitants of Krynn.
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