TOP The Crimson Castle by Samantha Holt reader touch review online sale

TOP The Crimson Castle by Samantha Holt reader touch review online sale

TOP The Crimson Castle by Samantha Holt reader touch review online sale

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Book description
A thrilling romantic tale of love and trust set in the medieval eraWith her father dead and her brother missing in the crusades, Lady Evelyn finds herself in the clutches of the notorious Lord Tibald. But while she should be concentrating on spurning the advances of the lord, Evelyn finds herself fighting an attraction to the enigmatic and brooding Gabriel, Tibalds darkly unnerving right hand man.As she becomes aware of Gabriels merciless nature, she struggles to reconcile herself with the consuming nature of their bond, while trying to understand the two sides of the conflicting man. All the while, Lord Tibald plots to get his hands on Evelyns lands...and her.
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