TOP The Bruce Trilogy: The Steps to the Empty Throne / The Path of the Hero King / The Price of the Kings Peace by Nigel Tranter spanish finder book tom via

TOP The Bruce Trilogy: The Steps to the Empty Throne / The Path of the Hero King / The Price of the Kings Peace by Nigel Tranter spanish finder book tom via

TOP The Bruce Trilogy: The Steps to the Empty Throne / The Path of the Hero King / The Price of the Kings Peace by Nigel Tranter

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Book description
I have always loved historical fiction books, so when my uncle told me that i was related to him then showed me this book i had to read it. The trilogy covers about 1296 to 1328. It begins with THE STEPS TO THE EMPTY THRONE, which portrays an impetuous strong-willed young man who agrees to co-govern the country with his personal enemy in an attempt to win its independence from England. It starts when Edward Longshanks had taken back Scotland and had captured the king of the Scots and made him give control of Scotland back to England. Robert the Bruce and many other Scots are outraged that Edward as left the Scots that were killed in the war in the middle of the streets and in piles in the centers of towns. Many English were treating him harshly because he was a Scot and his family has lost its respect. All the Scots were forced to come to a banquet held by the king of Scotland where they were forced to swear their lands to him, but when it was Roberts turn he told the king that he had already sworn loyalty to him earlier. The guards came over and forced the Bruce to his knees in front of everyone humilating him. The king then summoned him and mocked Bruce for still believing that Scotland should be an independent country. This was the final straw and Robert screamed at the king. The king had the guards remove Robert the Bruce from the building and soon after Robert began speaking ill of the king and tried to gain Scotlands independence. The king then accused the Bruces family of treason and executed his brothers and imprisoned his sisters. Robert was forced to flee into the woods and live as a hermit where he met William Wallis. William Wallis tutored Robert on the ways of war and strategy. Soon Robert rose to became the greatest hero Scotland has ever known as he fought for its independence because of a strong connection to his country.After killing a man who was attacking his father Robert no longer fought because of his love for his people, but to keep his own sanity for he believes he will be punished by being killed himself for his crime can not go unpunished. The way Bruce is portrayed in this book is amazing, you dont see him as some dead guy or perfect hero, but as a man with all his faults and fears who you can actually connect to. Robert appears wise and humble yet has done terrible things that were very outrageous, but had to be done. Elizabeth de Burgh, is a fun match for him and their love story adds spice to the tale. The plot is incredible and very emotional with many tear jerker moments that it seems like it came from the mind of an amazing writer, but it is actual history. The historical accuracy of this book is amazing, but he is not telling you historical facts, he is telling it as a story which brings the Bruce alive for you to meet. After reading this book you have a true appreciation of what the Scots went through for their independence. Robert the Bruce was such a remarkable man, and i cant even begin to express the respect i have for him. This book is absolutely amazing and is the kind of book that no matter how many times you read it will emotionally move because it is so easy to become absorbed in the Scots epic struggle for freedom from the oppression of the English.
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