TOP The Art of Walt Disney: From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms by Christopher Finch buy tom english download itunes

TOP The Art of Walt Disney: From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms by Christopher Finch buy tom english download itunes

TOP The Art of Walt Disney: From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms by Christopher Finch buy tom english download itunes

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Book description

Book description
This, apparently the most recent edition of The Art of Walt Disney, dates from 2004. For context, that was the year Home on the Range and Incredibles was released. California Adventure and DisneySea were still new, and Hong Kong Disneyland was on the verge of opening. This book tries to cover a lot. Way too much, probably. Why bother covering The Disney Afternoon if you can only give it a few paragraphs, and most of the shows only get one sentence? The individual parks get more, better, and more detailed coverage in other books. But were all really here to read about Disney shorts and animated features. And the older the work, the more information given about it. As time goes by, the sections about each work gets shorter and shorter. So if youre interested in Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, youre in luck. Sleeping Beauty? Not so much.Any book with art in the title needs to have great illustrations, and theres some really good stuff in here. Backgrounds, model sheets, concept art, storyboards... Its all very cool. And this is, of course, the real attraction of the book, and why I enjoyed it.
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