TOP The Amateur Historians Guide to Medieval and Tudor London, 1066-1600 by Sarah Valente Kettler download book epub

TOP The Amateur Historians Guide to Medieval and Tudor London, 1066-1600 by Sarah Valente Kettler download book epub

TOP The Amateur Historians Guide to Medieval and Tudor London, 1066-1600 by Sarah Valente Kettler download book epub

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Book description

Book description
Medieval and Tudor London is a thoroughly enjoyable travel guide aimed at the vast number of travelers who like to trace history as they explore the British Isles. Chapters cover the people, places and artifacts that are central to medieval Londons history (1066 to 1600) and that can be visited by amateur historian travelers today. Each entry includes details such as open hours, telephone numbers, address, and nearest Tube station, along with historical comment and description, suggestions for other sites to visit while in the neighborhood. Entries are cross-referenced with a people index and sidebars testing historical knowledge.
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