TOP Systema Naturae by Carl Linnaeus download pdf

TOP Systema Naturae by Carl Linnaeus download pdf

TOP Systema Naturae by Carl Linnaeus download pdf

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Book description
The first edition of a work that would go on to become thousands of pages in subsequent editions, massively expanded versions of this 12-page first-edition treatise. Already, from Linneaus brief comments, we have a rough sketch of his classification system and his motivation for devising it. A devout Christian, Linneaus love of nature inspired the pioneering thinking at the foundation of modern-day classification systems of the natural world. Exploring and classifying the titular systema naturae is, for the author, akin to uncovering the footprints of the creator. And the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms he writes about (yes, this famous triptych division is Linneaus ) testifies to the wisdom of god. The driving motivation behind the work is L.s desire to tidy up of the mineralogical, zoological, botanical nomenclature which is imperfect and often too extensive. L.s bent on accuracy, clarity, & brevity. Like a true gentleman of the Enlightenment he dreams of a greater, more enlightened future:May in the far future in the successive order of generations new and more accurate people arise, which I guarantee, considering my theory, will delete names, that often are absurd...I think Linnaeus would have been delighted to see what progress modern-day naturalists have made, thanks to systems like his. The most important edition of this scientific treatise is the tenth edition, a significantly expanded version, but this is the stuff of specialists, which I am not. The first edition, nevertheless, offers a fascinating glimpse of a man most know simply by name.
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