TOP Surprised Faith: A Scientist Shares His Personal, Life-Changing Discoveries about God, the Bible and Personal Fulfillment by Don Bierle itunes get spanish free prewiew

TOP Surprised Faith: A Scientist Shares His Personal, Life-Changing Discoveries about God, the Bible and Personal Fulfillment by Don Bierle itunes get spanish free prewiew

TOP Surprised Faith: A Scientist Shares His Personal, Life-Changing Discoveries about God, the Bible and Personal Fulfillment by

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This is well-written, for what it is, and definitely accessible. I can see that it would be powerful for those who already believe or are on the edge of belief. I didnt find anything new or surprising in it though. Bierle makes a lot of assumptions to draw his conclusions and completely ignores other possibilities. He doesnt give any references for his statistics (making it hard to follow up) and doesnt even admit that there are considerable bodies of work that refute his claims - he makes it seem like no evidence exists to the contrary. There is nothing new in here - these are the claims and statistics I was raised on. What is surprising, to me at least, is when you look beyond these general Christian claims and learn that they arent as hard and true as he makes them out to be. I do think he explains the path to salvation really well and I think this would be a great book for someone who hasnt heard the message and is in need of something more. Overall, nothing surprising to be found!
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