TOP Sundered Skies Compendium 1 by Dave Blewer (Goodreads Author) price cheap book selling francais

TOP Sundered Skies Compendium 1 by Dave Blewer (Goodreads Author) price cheap book selling francais

TOP Sundered Skies Compendium 1 by Dave Blewer (Goodreads Author) price cheap book selling francais

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Book description
TAKE TO THE SKIES, BEFORE THE SKIES TAKE YOU! Sundered Skies: Compendium 1 contains 4 thrilling adventures full of peril, horror and madness. A shattered world. A thousand floating islands. A constant glow of madness. Sundered Skies begins where every other world ends. The Ice Tower takes the heroes to the artic wasteland of the Draining Sea. There they must contend with the elements, savages, and zealots if they hope to pillage the ancient resting place of The Battlelord. Fate of The Summoner sends the heroes all over the skies in an attempt to recover cursed salvage causing mayhem and madness. Can they hope to solve the mystery of the lost skyship, The Summoner?
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