TOP Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister Six by Erik Larsen free android audio selling djvu

TOP Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister Six by Erik Larsen free android audio selling djvu

TOP Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister Six by Erik Larsen free android audio selling djvu

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Book description
One of my all time favorites, I read this set of issues over and over again. Yeah, Im silly that way. I was going through yet another comic box and cataloging when I ran into this set of issues from the days when the Pirates didnt suck, some guy named Cowher wasnt even a Steeler yet, and oh yeah, Marvel still wrote escapist fun comics.(Yeah, Im bitter. The more I think on it, the angrier I get, not matter how good the stories are nowadays. They just arent good stories for the Marvel that lasted forty years, and unlike the Onslaught thing, cant be easily retconned.)This is a silly slugfest from start to finish, full of Larsen splash pages, lots of sound effects, and Peter doing patter all over the place, increasing the worse things get. Doc Ock wants to get serious after finding his adamantium arms from way back in an old Daredevil comic, so he teams up with those lovable losers from the Sinister Six, beat the crap out of Spidey and the Hulk, and were off to the races.We get cameos or appearances faster than a Robert Kirkman Marvel Team-Up arc, ranging from Ghost Rider, the Hulk, Dum Dum Dugan, Nova, a really stupid Punisher clone named Solo, and even the Fantastic Four, among others, as Peter tries to take on his old foes and keeps getting beat up in the process.Its rather odd seeing Larsen write about the villains upgrading to killing, since now thats par for the course, But instead of dwelling on it, we accept it and move on because thats what you do when youre reading visual science fiction. (Sorry, there I go again.) We know Spidey will save the day, and thats enough for me.Again, this is just a silly slugfest with fun art and great dialog, which to me makes for a perfect Spider-Man arc, though usually I like a bit more angst for Peter. Lost in the shuffle that was 90s Spidey, I think this is a jewel that fans of fun comics will like a bunch. The scenes with Peter and Banner jockeying back and forth for best lines in a slugfest is particularly enjoyable. Ive re-read this countless times since I first got the issues, and each time, I enjoy it that much more. (Personal Collection, 10/07)
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