TOP Sniper by Savannah May ebay spanish ebook book page

TOP Sniper by Savannah May ebay spanish ebook book page

TOP Sniper by Savannah May ebay spanish ebook book page

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Book description
No one can tell me I wont win. Im f**king built to take down opponents. Im the teams sniper I score hard and fast. On the ice and off. Most valuable player. Also the cockiest bastard. Theres never been a woman I cant have. They cant resist my rock hard abs and p***k Or my filthy smart mouth. Im a machine with my sights trained on the Cup. Until I see her. The girl that makes my c**k thrust. The girl with the eyes that beg me to free her. All I want is Elena. And I will have her. Even if she belongs to some f**king Russian mobster. Even if he sends me death threats. Im a machine with my sights set on winning. Sniper is a full length standalone ice hockey romance featuring two very cocksure players. This is Daxs story and has some dark elements. The second in the series is Bad Boy Tomaszs story Enforcer.
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