TOP Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura, Vol. 3 by Arina Tanemura book mobile purchase find english

TOP Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura, Vol. 3 by Arina Tanemura book mobile purchase find english

TOP Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura, Vol. 3 by Arina Tanemura book mobile purchase find english

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Book description
I give this 4 stars. Lovely illustrations. I feel sorry for Sakura who gets kidnapped.Sigh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SpoilerNote to Self:Heian EraPrincess Sakura(14yo,sis,Princess Kaguyas(moon princess)granddaughter,orphan,immortal(mixed blood),pal)+Prince Oura(Aoba,17yo,betrothed,nephew,transforms to wolf,pal2),Fujimurasaki(Togu(next emperor),uncle),Asagiri(mononoke(spirit),mini,snow spirit,blood cursed,companion pal),Priestess Byakuya (old,mononoke(spirit),immortal,pal),Kohaku (ninja,8th ninja village leaders daughter,pal2)+ Hayate(frog,human ninja, pal2),Oumi(Sakuras lady-in-waiting,minor rank noble,died),Enju(older bro Kai,immortal,insane due to repeated drowning), Maimai(immortal,Enjus team),Rurijo(Enjus team), Shuri(immortal, Enjus team,pal2), Ukyo(immortal,Enjus team).
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