TOP Sage by Talyn Scott spanish book link no registration view

TOP Sage by Talyn Scott spanish book link no registration view

TOP Sage by Talyn Scott spanish book link no registration view

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Book description
Book 2 in the Amazon Bestselling Series: Sanibel Immortals. For centuries, Sage and Roman Noskov have served the vampiric race, protecting fellow vampires as required of their birthrights. After a family tragedy strikes, showing Sage that the vampire law aids mostly those who break it, Roman urges him to join the real family business: an illegal band of justice-serving mercenaries who answer the cries of help that would otherwise go unanswered. But what happens when Sage and Roman finally discover their mate, right when the very criminals they’re fighting to bring down blow their cover wide open? MFM Mild Bondage and Spanking.
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