TOP Radical Wisdom by Beverly Lanzetta (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

TOP Radical Wisdom by Beverly Lanzetta (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

TOP Radical Wisdom by Beverly Lanzetta (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

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Book description
Lanzetta illuminates the transformative potential of the classical tradition of women mystics, especially in light of contemporary violence against women around the world. Focusing on the contemplative process as womens journey from oppression to liberation, Lanzetta draws especially on the mysticism of Julian of Norwich and Teresa of Avila. She lays out the contemplative techniques used by mystics to achieve their highest spiritual potential and also investigates how unjust social and political conditions afflict womens souls. Lanzetta identifies a specific historical female mystical path (the via feminina) and draws contemporary conclusions for how women might understand their bodies, their rights, and their ethics.
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