TOP Queerotica: A Comics Anthology by Allie Kleber (Editor) fb2 online reading

TOP Queerotica: A Comics Anthology by Allie Kleber (Editor) fb2 online reading

TOP Queerotica: A Comics Anthology by Allie Kleber (Editor) fb2 online reading

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Book description
“Queer” and “erotica” are terms of creativity, innovation, and passion. They are about creating new forms of expression, so that you can speak your truth and your desires with a bit of style, and a pinch of rebellion. The Queerotica team is proud to present a collection of stories that is a celebration of these impulses. Each of the 16 stories and pinups presents a different facet of the queer erotic imagination, creating a diverse and sometimes surprising total picture. And they’re pretty sexy, too!
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