TOP Pushing the Envelope: The Career of Fighter Ace and Test Pilot Marion Carl by Marion E. Carl offline fb2 txt read download

TOP Pushing the Envelope: The Career of Fighter Ace and Test Pilot Marion Carl by Marion E. Carl offline fb2 txt read download

TOP Pushing the Envelope: The Career of Fighter Ace and Test Pilot Marion Carl by Marion E. Carl offline fb2 txt read download

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Book description

Book description
This concise book represents the story of a unique individual. Marion E. Carl was, perhaps, one of the finest aviators who ever lived - FULL STOP. A natural pilot, he soloed after 2 hours of dual instruction. He later went on to become the U.S. Marine Corps first fighter ace, seeing action at the Battles of Midway and Guadalcanal during the Second World War. (A little more than 20 years later, Carl commanded a Marine combat air wing in Vietnam, flying several missions himself.)Carl became known for achieving a number of firsts. He became the first Marine to fly a helicopter, the first Marine to land a jet on an aircraft carrier, and he also set a number of altitude and speed records. Carl also was an outstanding test pilot, and by the time, he retired from the USMC (United States Marine Corps), he had flown 14,000 flight hours.
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