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TOP Philosophy of Furniture by Edgar Allan Poe find bookstore eReader free price

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I recently started my Poe collection, and unsure where exactly I wanted to start I opted to read the work in order. By ‘in order’ I mean the order they are in the collection, which may not be the best way to read his work. In fact, I’m positive that such is the case – it probably would have done me much better to start with his best known work before reading his lesser known pieces. Oh well, what’s done is done. I shall work through in this manner and perhaps I will find that the best has been saved for last.The Philosophy of Furniture was an interesting read, one to getting you thinking, yet it was not at all what I had expected of Poe. If you’re looking for the stories that leave you scared of the dark, this is not the place to go. This is a different side of Poe. In all honesty, I think my low rating mostly reflects this aspect – this was my first Poe read and I had wanted a fright. Instead of a fright I was made to think – it wasn’t all bad, far from it, it was simply not what I had been searching for.
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