TOP Our Secret Paradise: Seven Secrets for Building a Secure and Satisfying Marriage by Jimmy Evans online read value how read torrent

TOP Our Secret Paradise: Seven Secrets for Building a Secure and Satisfying Marriage by Jimmy Evans online read value how read torrent

TOP Our Secret Paradise: Seven Secrets for Building a Secure and Satisfying Marriage by Jimmy Evans online read value how read torrent

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Book description

Book description
Its a bit difficult to review this book because while I read it, we are also watching the companion DVDs in our Sunday school class. In some areas, the DVDs are better, and in other areas, the book goes into more depth than the DVDs. Overall, the book is good, with some deep Biblical truths about marriage that Ive never heard before. And just to bolster this, our co-teacher who is a 70 year old Bible genius said the same thing about the DVDs, so its not that I have a lack of Biblical knowledge. I gave it only three stars because the book was a little dry for me, and by the end I was speed reading just to get finished with it. But overall, Id recommend these materials to anyone who is married or thinking of getting married -- its good stuff.
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