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Book description
When her fiancГ© Rob breaks off their engagement for the third time, Viv does what any girl would do - she Googles heartbreak.Confronted by tales of misery, she decides to set-up her own self-help website for the broken-hearted. But as Viv passes through the three essential stages of grief (denial, vodka, disastrous haircut), she becomes determined that its not too late to try and get Rob back.When things get out of hand after a drunken declaration of love at an extremely inappropriate moment, Vivs scruffy, tequila-swilling best friend Max is there to pick up the pieces. Viv starts to realise that maybe the real thing has been under her nose all this time, and now - one ex and a massive error of judgement later - she has to face the question:Whats the craziest thing youll do for love?
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