TOP My Big Brother by Valorie Fisher find pc online reading story

TOP My Big Brother by Valorie Fisher find pc online reading story

TOP My Big Brother by Valorie Fisher find pc online reading story

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Book description
Brief summary A photo book about a younger brother and the things he sees when he looks at his big brotherAnnotation A quick story through the eyes of a baby brotherAge appropriateness 6 months - 3yearsConnection to six early literacy skills Print Motivation-it helps tell a simple story through the eyes of what a baby or toddler might experience. That real life slice is interesting. Print Awareness - The story is written to reflect the inner thoughts of a baby.Five practices Talking-give parents a change to talk about sibling relationships and bonding between siblings Reading - You are reading and creating interest for the child Playing - Although there is not real playing, there is depictions of a brother playing peek-a-boo with the babyOpinionThis is a great way to do a photo book about something that already may have meaning in a childs life and connect an older child to what types of things a baby might be thinking.
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