TOP Multithreading Applications in WIN32: The Complete Guide to Threads by James E. Beveridge how download ios apple phone download

TOP Multithreading Applications in WIN32: The Complete Guide to Threads by James E. Beveridge how download ios apple phone download

TOP Multithreading Applications in WIN32: The Complete Guide to Threads by James E. Beveridge how download ios apple phone download

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Book description
Using multiple threads, you can create high-performance servers, build extensions for Internet servers, take advantage of multiprocessor systems, build sophisticated objects in OLE and COM, and improve application responsiveness. Writing such software requires more than theory and a reference manual; it requires a comprehensive understanding of how everything fits together and a guide to what works and what doesnt. Multithreading is supported under Windows NT and Windows 95 and later through the Win32 API, but coverage of this important topic has been sporadic and incomplete until now. In Multithreading Applications in Win32, with just enough theory and lots of sample code, Jim Beveridge and Bob Wiener show developers when, where, and how to use multithreading. Included in the book are: Internet development examples, including ISAPI and WinSock. Hands-on coverage of how to use threads and overlapped I/O for server development. How to use the C run-time library and MFC in a multithreaded environment. Examples in C and C++. Comparisons to UNIX for developers transitioning from UNIX to Win32. The enclosed CD-ROM includes the code and sample applications from the book, including code t
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