TOP Merrow by Louise Cooper torrent via online free tablet

TOP Merrow by Louise Cooper torrent via online free tablet

TOP Merrow by Louise Cooper torrent via online free tablet

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Book description

Book description
Three teenagers find their lives inexplicably changed when they fail to save a girl from drowning. Kieran sees the dead girl everywhere and believes she is haunting him. His best friend Jay and abandoned girlfriend Robyn are left bewildered over his strange behaviour. Not bad at all, I thought this somewhat bitter coming of age teen novel really managed to capture the elusive nature of the merrow - we never do learn whether she was real or a figment of their imagination and in the end it doesnt really matter. Mermaid fans are going to be disappointed as there are no tangiable girls with fish tails, instead the whole book is caught up with very human reactions to something inexplicable. The story however is gripping and told with punchy writing by believable characters.
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