TOP Mel Goes to Hell by Demelza Carlton (Goodreads Author) full reader read tom author

TOP Mel Goes to Hell by Demelza Carlton (Goodreads Author) full reader read tom author

TOP Mel Goes to Hell by Demelza Carlton (Goodreads Author) full reader read tom author

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Book description
The ultimate forbidden love – when Lucifer falls for an angel.Luce and Mel unearth an age-old conspiracy behind his fall from Heaven which could doom their love for eternity. Yet in the deepest levels of Hell lies a secret that could hold their salvation. Eternal damnation awaits any angel who descends into the Pit of Despair, but Mel will move Heaven and Earth to save Lucifers soul. Armed with little more than the fury of a righteous angel, Mel will raise Hell in the name of love.From the heights of Heaven to the depths of Hell, can love truly conquer all? A tiny taste of whats in store:Heaven wont help you if you stand in my way. From HELL Corporation to the Pit itself. Now, more than ever, its time for me to go to Hell.With barely a gold shimmer in the air, she was gone. What do we do now? Peter asked Michael. Pray, Michael replied. Id prefer to let a hundred demons into Heaven, with my blessing, than agree to let Mel go to Hell.Why did you let her go, then? Peter persisted. Michaels laughter was hollow. Nothing can stop her from fulfilling her destiny. Not you, not me, not Raphael. Not even all the forces of Heaven combined.What about the forces of Hell?Michael closed his eyes in defeat. Were about to find out, arent we?
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