TOP Mating Instinct by Katie Reus (Goodreads Author) spanish download information eng book

TOP Mating Instinct by Katie Reus (Goodreads Author) spanish download information eng book

TOP Mating Instinct by Katie Reus (Goodreads Author) spanish download information eng book

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Book description
As the beast within struggles to break free, he must learn to be what she needs...Surviving for centuries, powerful lupine shifter Jayce Kazan managed to stay away from humans until he met Kat Saburova and was consumed by the need to protect her. But while Jayce shared his passion with the human seer, he refused to make her his bondmate—a refusal that caused the end of their relationship.A year later, an attack that left Kat near death has resulted in another lupine shifter turning her. Furious that he wasn’t the one to save her, Jayce is determined to show Kat that he is the one she should rely on. But the newly turned shifter is still traumatized and worried that she’ll hurt those she loves, unless she can learn to control her inner wolf.And as Jayce struggles to protect Kat from her own worst instincts and convince her to rekindle their love, the extremists who almost killed her are looking to finish the job…
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