TOP Marie Durand by Simonetta Carr (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

TOP Marie Durand by Simonetta Carr (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

TOP Marie Durand by Simonetta Carr (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

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Book description
In 1730, nineteen-year-old Marie Durand was arrested and taken from her home in a village in Southern France for the crime of having a brother who was a Protestant preacher. Imprisoned in the Tower of Constance, Marie would spend the next thirty-eight years there. Simonetta Carr introduces us to the inspiring life of a woman who could have recanted her Protestant faith and gained release, but held fast to the truth and encouraged others to do so as well. Beautiful illustrations, a simply told story, and interesting facts acquaint young readers with the challenges facing Protestants in eighteenth-century France and show them that even a life spent in prison can be lived in service to Christ and others.
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