TOP Making His List by Devon Rhodes (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

TOP Making His List by Devon Rhodes (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

TOP Making His List by Devon Rhodes (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Book description
This title is part of the 2010 Advent Calendar: Naughty or NiceWhen his young niece Bailey moves in, Cory knows he needs to end his casual fling with Ken. Bailey’s had enough upheaval in her short life, and Cory doesnt want her to get attached to a “friend” who wont be sticking around. Even so, Cory finds himself continuing to let Ken into his life, but a one-night-stand gone serial isn’t what Cory wants, and so he makes The List: his requirements for the perfect partner.Helping out during a difficult time, Ken finds himself being pulled into the family unit despite Cory’s previous emotional distance. He hopes hes finally breaking through, on the verge of convincing Cory to make their relationship more than a casual one. Then, while helping Bailey write to Santa, he finds Corys list and takes it as his cue to bow out—just when Cory needs him the most.
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