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TOP Life... Love... Kumbh... by Aporva Kala (Goodreads Author) audio find store price download

TOP Life... Love... Kumbh... by Aporva Kala (Goodreads Author) audio find store price download

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Book description
The story in Life...Love...Kumbh... is told from the perspective of the three main characters- Annant, Agastaya, and Aditi. Their paths cross on January 13, 2010. It is the day before the first of the eleven sacred baths of the Haridwar Maha Kumbh.The three characters meet each other and exchange their stories. They remember the days gone by and are unsure about what lies ahead.As the Kumbh Mela draws towards an end, all three of them are thrown into a challenging situation that they have to face. The book then follows their journey as they try and find answers for their personal quests all at the same time - on life, love, and the thirst for knowledge.
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