TOP Just Another Kid by Torey L. Hayden pdf online reading

TOP Just Another Kid by Torey L. Hayden pdf online reading

TOP Just Another Kid by Torey L. Hayden pdf online reading

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Book description
No other teacher had been able to handle these six emotionally damaged children. Three were recent arrivals from battletorn Ireland, horribly traumitized by the nightmare of war. Then there was eleven-year-old Dirkie, who had known no life outside of an institution; Mariana, who was dangerously excitable and sexually precocious, though she was only eight; and Leslie, seven years old, yet completely unresponsive and unable to speak. These were the children entrusted to the care of Torey Hayden, the extraordinary special-education teacher who refused to give up on them. She was determined that every child should experience joy, hope, and a future free of fear, and with compassion, patience, and most of all love, she knew that miracles can happen.
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