TOP In the Present Tense by Carrie Pack (Goodreads Author) how to get ios how read read

TOP In the Present Tense by Carrie Pack (Goodreads Author) how to get ios how read read

TOP In the Present Tense by Carrie Pack (Goodreads Author) how to get ios how read read

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Book description
Miles Lawson goes to sleep dreaming of a future with his boyfriend Adam, but wakes to find he is married to Ana, an acquaintance from high school. When he learns he has been time traveling, Miles is consumed with finding a cure for his rare condition—and finding his first love.Traveling more frequently, Miles assembles the puzzle pieces of his life and, in doing so, alienates his wife. As he loses control, Miles must realize that sometimes fixing your past mistakes means changing your future. But will he be able to convince Adam he is telling the truth before it’s too late?
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