TOP Hope of the Gospel by George MacDonald apple portable book pocket writer

TOP Hope of the Gospel by George MacDonald apple portable book pocket writer

TOP Hope of the Gospel by George MacDonald apple portable book pocket writer

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Book description

Book description
This book is one of the most powerful collections of spiritual discussion that I have ever read. MacDonald writes about the gospel and about what it means to be a Christian in a way that only a man who spent his life trying to understand it possibly could. Its full of truths that are simply stated, and profoundly introspective such as, Who truly owns a house? The man who owns a hundred mansions scattered throughout the countryside? Or the man who owns no house, but a knock on any door in his village would bring instant jubilation from those within?Theres another book by MacDonald, Getting to Know Jesus, which has several repeated essays. Im not sure what the details are on why these two books were published separately when their content crosses over.This book is available as an audiobook for free download at:
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