TOP Honore de Balzac: Pere Goriot by Richard J. Cohen fb2 sale tablet access online

TOP Honore de Balzac: Pere Goriot by Richard J. Cohen fb2 sale tablet access online

TOP Honore de Balzac: Pere Goriot by Richard J. Cohen fb2 sale tablet access online

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Book description
Spoiler alert! I was disappointed in this book. I was disgusted by how much value these characters placed on an extravagant lifestyle, complete with wealth, expensive clothing, jewelry, and more, all for the purpose of elevating themselves above others in their social class. Even worse than this, they sacrificed honor, moral principles of fidelity, honesty, kindness, and charity to reach these ends. They were willing to ruin themselves financially in order to keep up appearances. I hoped that Rastignac would have a change of heart by the end of the book and go home and make a living with his family, but his heart was set too much on the high life in Pariss inner circle. He lost his innocence over the course of the book and that saddened me. Also, I didnt agree with Rastignacs admiration of Pere Goriot as a father. Bless his heart, Goriot loved his daughters and worked his heart out for them, but he didnt teach them principles that would serve them well in life. He spoiled them to such a degree that they became selfish, heartless, and constantly in need of money, and were willing to ruin their father to obtain their greedy wants. I had pity on Goriot, but I certainly didnt admire him, as Rastignac seemed to. On the whole, disappointed in this book. :(
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