TOP Homer Rice on triple option football by Homer Rice txt ibooks ipad

TOP Homer Rice on triple option football by Homer Rice txt ibooks ipad

TOP Homer Rice on triple option football by Homer Rice txt ibooks ipad

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Book description
HOmer rices triple option football book is not an ordinary book. the book is about everthing that you need to know about running the triple option! the book runs over how to stop and succesfully run the triple option! just to give you a quick run through the theory is that it is impossible to stop a good passing attack and the triple option together! the history of the triple option started in texas at the universety of houston. another theory is that the combination of the straight ahead running game and the drop back pass makes it nearly impossible to predict and keeps the other coach wondering what is going on! a key to the triple option is that the safety has to step up and play lb to leave the weak side open. the quaterback is the main person who makes the snap descion to pitch run hand off or pass! the quaterback must be able to read off the saftey! that is the basics of the the book and the keys the book was good because its football and i learned alot that maybe icould use later in my life! also football is my favorite sport and it so i enjoyed it but it was more in context and not intersting!
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