TOP Herbal Medicine From the Heart of the Earth by Sharol Marie Tilgner reader free ios torrent prewiew

TOP Herbal Medicine From the Heart of the Earth by Sharol Marie Tilgner reader free ios torrent prewiew

TOP Herbal Medicine From the Heart of the Earth by Sharol Marie Tilgner reader free ios torrent prewiew

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Book description
A complete handbook for the herbal practitioner. Paul Bergner said it succinctly when he wrote, This book is broad enough in scope that it contains within it enough material for three books. Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth contains the most up-to-date, detailed information on 190 valuable herbs including, dosage, specific indications, general uses, active constituents, and contraindications. Compound formulations are listed for all the most common ailments as well as some uncommon ailments. They are organized by body systems to make them easier to learn. Another helpful tool is the charts that are used in the book. For those new to herbal terminology, definitions of the words specific to herbal medicine are found in the Properties & Actions section of the book. However, that is not all. Following the easy to understand definitions are listings of all the individual herbs with that property or action. There is a helpful section on collecting, drying and storing herbs with a chart on harvesting and preparation. Additionally for the do it yourself person, there is an extensive chapter on making herbal preparations. Surprisingly detailed information is given for making tinctures, elixirs, suppositories, compresses, capsules, gruels, glycerites, oils, poultices and salves. The author who once owned an herbal manufacturing company gives all the details necessary to make your own products. This one book will give you important information you need to know about harvesting, storage, preparation of herbal products, preparation of formulas, and clinical use of the most valuable herbs known to practitioners. The greatest value of Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth is that it will become a trusted reference book. It will quickly become your most trusted herbal source of information.
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