TOP Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh by Catharine H. Roehrig (Editor) full version via no registration ipad free

TOP Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh by Catharine H. Roehrig (Editor) full version via no registration ipad free

TOP Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh by Catharine H. Roehrig (Editor) full version via no registration ipad free

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Book description
The female pharaoh Hatshepsut reigned for nearly twenty years during Egypt’s early New Kingdom in the fifteenth century B.C. First acting as regent for her young nephew/stepson Thutmose III, she in time assumed the title of king and exercised the full powers of the throne as senior co-ruler. In accordance with Egyptian tradition, Hatshepsut was often depicted as a male king. After her death, however, monuments bearing her image were ruthlessly defaced, and her name was erased from historical accounts.Hatshepsut’s rise to power and the nature of her kingship have long been debated by scholars. This fascinating period, one of immense artistic creativity, is illuminated by this volume’s rich presentation of monumental royal sculpture and reliefs, ceremonial objects, exquisite personal items for everyday use, and dazzling jewelry. Essays focus on influences from the neighboring Near East, Nubia, and the Aegean; the innovative architecture built by Hatshepsut; powerful figures in the royal court during her reign; archaeological finds from this period; and mysteries surrounding the destruction of Hatshepsut’s statues and the obliteration of her name.The first in-depth treatment of the subject, From Queen to Pharoah is an important investigation into the impact of Hatshepsut’s reign on the history, culture, and artistic output of Egypt.
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