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The thing about Stine’s characters is that they’re always really garish, nominally repugnant people. Super static, not much going for them beyond what’s on the page. Here we have Brenda who’s fueled by rage hate against her cousin because she moved in while her parents are getting a divorce and Brenda’s parents made her change rooms (one of many contrivances) and now Halley steals her clothes, her car, and her boyfriend. Does Brenda say any of this to her parents? Of course not because something needs to keep fueling the drama. Instead Brenda just stomps around and pouts angrily when her parents don’t get her.Brenda and her friends have a group project and they need to write a murder mystery. Not so bad except Halley is the victim in their scheme and HA HA they plot her death. Maybe I’m just colored by the last fifteen years or so where student violence isn’t really used as light fodder anymore but this was all rather callous. But of course the girls think they’re geniuses and craft the “perfect” murder hinging on everyone switching costumes so no one knows who the real killer was. Someone’s been playing too much Clue.Only when Brenda drinks too much rage-ahol and wants to make their fiction fact do the other girls start backing away slowly. Dina wants nothing to do with it and Traci reluctantly plows ahead but is still kind of on the fence about it. Understandable considering it’s MURDER. But Halley deserves it because Ted’s a flaky twat and can’t decide whom he wants to be with and Brenda has some misplaced anger and stuff.In the end it was actually all a thinly-plotted ruse to draw Traci out because she’s really been the one tormenting Brenda because with Halley’s parents’ divorce it’s dredging up all these memories of perceived slights Traci remembers Brenda doing. Of course that also renders murder and there was a staged death to put the cherry on top of this Halloween sundae. Only this “twist” is so sudden and pretty out of nowhere that you end up feeling rather slapped with it. The real links are the things that happen in Brenda’s room being thinly traced to Traci’s vet job but other than that, even with hindsight you won’t see it coming, mainly because the details to connect it all aren’t there. The twist is more of an afterthought, like PS: Sike, this is really the intended killer.Of course everyone moves on rather quickly, especially Brenda who had her best friend try to kill her but life’s peachy in Shadyside. These things are to be expected.HALLOWEEN NIGHT isn’t one of Stine’s better showings but it lends itself to cheese nonetheless.3
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