TOP Hackmaster Players Handbook by David S. Kenzer full reader read tom author

TOP Hackmaster Players Handbook by David S. Kenzer full reader read tom author

TOP Hackmaster Players Handbook by David S. Kenzer full reader read tom author

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Book description
This is it! The HackMaster Players Handbook is the ultimate resource for HackMaster Players everywhere. Inside this gorgeous 400-page leathered book you ll find everything needed to fully enjoy HackMaster. This book includes a modern set of rules steeped in old-school roots. A real-time initiative count-up combat system means you will never have to wait for your turn. The realistic, gritty set of combat rules allows for quick resolution of combat with dynamic features such as incapacitating wounds, knocking opponents back and shield breakage. An opposed roll mechanic means every die roll is exciting, and there s always a chance of success no matter how much the odds are stacked against you. The arcane magic system features the use of both spell points and levels, while each of the fourteen different clerics have a unique list of available spells that clearly differentiates these orders. There are ten races and twenty-four character classes to choose from and additional rules for honor, luck points, and quirks and flaws make HackMaster unique! HackMaster is a game of difficult choices and the decision to excel in one area means you forgo other opportunities. You ll never have enough points to do everything you want, but the building point system, combined with quirks and flaws, ensures that no two characters will ever be alike!
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