TOP ×××HOLiC 15 by CLAMP download book value online kindle

TOP ×××HOLiC 15 by CLAMP download book value online kindle

TOP ×××HOLiC 15 by CLAMP download book value online kindle

> READ BOOK > ×××HOLiC 15



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OK so I decided to read this because I am also reading Tsubasa. So it just made sense to read it, since it might contains some answers to what the heck is going on in this series... but it does not! THIS JUST MAKES IT MORE DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND!!! something or another about dreams... and cloning and time that shouldnt be and some endless circle and that he has to keep moving forward... and apparently there is some egg that some dude has to pop but he doesnt now when... and then this clone thing are the parents of what they originally clone of and then Sakura from carcaptor pops out of nowhere! and their are both his kids... and one of them was emo but is no loger emo and likes cooking and he is part of shaoran and I dont know anymore!!!!!! I cant wait for this to be over to see what is really going on.Did I mention that there is some insane chick that is a butterfly and was stuck in time and grants wishes, but is mostly concern with food and alcohol and a weird looking pet name Mokona -which just reminds me of mocos all the time?P.S. This can be applied to any of the two series... since apparently they are running at the same time but not at the same time because space time continuity is been broken so they can bring someone back to life...
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