TOP Great Lakes Ghost Stories: Haunted Tales Past & Present by Wes Oleszewski portable book epub itunes amazon

TOP Great Lakes Ghost Stories: Haunted Tales Past & Present by Wes Oleszewski portable book epub itunes amazon

TOP Great Lakes Ghost Stories: Haunted Tales Past & Present by Wes Oleszewski portable book epub itunes amazon

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Book description
Great Lakes Ghost Stories: Haunted Tales of Past and Present by Wes Oleszewski is a good book for history buffs, particularly those with an interest in Great Lakes shipping. I acquired this book on our last trip to Door County, at the Door County Maritime Museum in Gills Rock, WI. Most of the stories are from the Michigan shores of Lake Huron, near to where the author lives. Since Mr. Oleszewski is a historian, the majority of the tales are told from a historical perspective rather than in the style of fictional ghost stories, and are therefore a bit dry. The one time the author loses his composure is while relating the story of a ghost in the Point aux Barques lighthouse keepers house on the cost of the thumb of Michigan. He went to the site after the tourist season was over to take a few pictures of the building for the book, and had a ghostly encounter himself. His pictures of the house are all similar, except for one where the curtain in an upstairs window is drawn aside in the empty, locked-for the season building, and someone could be seen peering out. Having had a couple of supernatural experiences myself, I can testify that an event doesnt have to be threatening to be scary. In this case, the author didnt even know about the occurrence until he got his film developed.Not a bad book, but not a great one either. If the subject matter interests you, I recommend it as worth a quick read, but not worth intense study.
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