TOP Golden Vampire by Linda Thomas-Sundstrom (Goodreads Author) download pdf

TOP Golden Vampire by Linda Thomas-Sundstrom (Goodreads Author) download pdf

TOP Golden Vampire by Linda Thomas-Sundstrom (Goodreads Author) download pdf

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Book description
For former cop Jesse Stewart, giving herself—mind and body—to sexy vampire Lance Van Baaren meant losing her soul. Hired by the government to find a senators missing daughter, she instead found a haunting link to her past. And now something is drawing her to the one man she should despise.Once a knight, Lance had sworn to protect the innocent. And one of those young innocents had been Jesse. Now face-to-face with the alluring woman she has become, hes determined to help Jessie solve her case and make her his own. But would finding the truth of her past—and the Blood Moon—push her further away?
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