TOP First Contact-Or, Its Later Than You Think (Parrot Sketch Excluded) by Evan Mandery (Goodreads Author) txt download free

TOP First Contact-Or, Its Later Than You Think (Parrot Sketch Excluded) by Evan Mandery (Goodreads Author) txt download free

TOP First Contact-Or, Its Later Than You Think (Parrot Sketch Excluded) by Evan Mandery (Goodreads Author) txt download free

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Book description

Book description
Some books just do it for you, and for me, this was one of them. First Contact is like if Douglas Adams and Kurt Vonnegut wrote a book together and Woody Allen decided to direct the movie based on the book and added some of his own insights and thoughts. High praise I know, but once you start reading First Contact you begin to realize where the author has decided to take his story.This is sci-fi in the way most of Vonneguts work is considered sci-fi, which means not really. Sure there are aliens, faster than light travel, odd names and different worlds, but this being a satire, everything is more or less based in reality, with nothing ever feeling really alien, a story thats more like an existential based reality, if that makes any sense, which of course, it doesnt.Not everything works here, which is why I gave the book 4/5 stars. Some of the parts drag and become somewhat of a bore, like the author decided to really drag on, really hammer in ideas close to the point where my mind began to wander and almost want to skim (which is never a good thing). Also, there were some parts that seemed thrown in because the author thought it would be odd and funny, but perhaps the ideas worked better in his mind then on paper (Im looking at you constant underwear references!!)Still, overall it was like this book was written for me. Douglas Adams is my genre idol. Kurt Vonnegut is my literary idol. And Woody Allen is my film idol. Each artist shaped me from childhood, shaped the way I read, watch and see things, and left impressions on my so strong that I still carry them into adulthood. These 3 are like my biggest icons, so yeah, if youre like me and enjoy those three men (that sounded really wrong), then I think youll really like this book. Even if you dont like all 3, I still think you should give the novel a chance. Youll know within the first 30 pages if this books for you. If not, no harm done. But for me, this was like a walk through my interests and passions, and I know how cool that sounds because thats how I roll, which is sadly, not very far.
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