TOP Evolution RX: A Practical Guide to Harnessing Our Innate Capacity for Health and Healing by William Meller free store eng pc online

TOP Evolution RX: A Practical Guide to Harnessing Our Innate Capacity for Health and Healing by William Meller free store eng pc online

TOP Evolution RX: A Practical Guide to Harnessing Our Innate Capacity for Health and Healing by William Meller free store eng pc

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Book description
Provocative, science-based, and practical, this guide presents a new way for readers to understand their bodies and promote vibrant health. Countless books and experts have advised adopting the cave-man diet that avoids processed foods and refined carbohydrates. But how and what to eat is only the beginning of what human evolution can teach about health. Based on the latest research, Evolution Rx provides readers with an understanding of the underlying science and a practical means to making nutritional and lifestyle changes, from exercise and injury prevention to addressing allergies, heart health, cancer, and more. Dr. Meller, one of the countrys pre-eminent practitioners of evolutionary medicine, explores such topics as: ?Why eating more fat can fuel weight loss ?Why humans cant register fullness when eating carbohydrates, and what to do about it ?Why getting more sun leads to better health ?Why not to stretch before exercise ?Why children should be encouraged to get dirty
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