TOP Dont Ever Get Old by Daniel Friedman (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

TOP Dont Ever Get Old by Daniel Friedman (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

TOP Dont Ever Get Old by Daniel Friedman (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

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Book description
DONT EVER GET OLD was one of mystery-publishings biggest critical successes last year, earning starred reviews from every major trade publication, garnering nominations for the Edgar, Thriller, and Anthony awards, and winning the Macavity Award for Best First Novel. The producer of four Harry Potter films and the Sherlock Holmes sequel, Lionel Wigram, is writing the script for the movie and producing the film version.When Buck Schatz, senior citizen and retired Memphis cop, learns that an old adversary may have escaped Germany with a fortune in stolen gold, Buck decides to hunt down the fugitive and claim the loot. But a lot of people want a piece of the stolen treasure, and Bucks investigation quickly attracts unfriendly attention from a very motley (and murderous) crew.
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