TOP Dojo Daytrip by Chris Tougas (Illustrations) download text story epub sale

TOP Dojo Daytrip by Chris Tougas (Illustrations) download text story epub sale

TOP Dojo Daytrip by Chris Tougas (Illustrations) download text story epub sale

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Book description
The six little ninjas of Dojo Daycare are back and rowdier than ever during a field trip to the farm. From the moment the ninja boys and ninja girls step off their minibus, mayhem ensues.Farm activities like feeding a pig, milking a cow, and plowing a field dissolve into chaos as the master slips into the slop trough, is chased by a bull, and then is dragged through the hay. YIKES! YEE-OW! It’s a barnyard disaster. Meanwhile, the mischievous ninjas run rampant, setting chicks free and splitting fences, until they remember to shape up and honor their creed: Always help someone in need.Chris Tougas’ digitally rendered ninjas pop off the page once again in this laugh-out-loud story. Told in rhyming verse with a playful rhythm, accompanied by hilarious illustrations and big sound effects, Dojo Daytrip makes for a riotous read-aloud with a kindhearted message.
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