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Book description
The last time I read Terrence Dicks’ ‘Doctor Who and The Abominable Snowmen’ I must have been about twelve or thirteen years old. As a child I had an impressive collection of Doctor Who Target novelizations – it was a go to birthday/Christmas present for me from members of my extended family. I can remember lying in my childhood bedroom reading one after another and being so, so happy in my geeky little bubble. Of course I got older and into ‘cooler’ things, and somewhere along the way my Doctor Who collection disappeared (my mother’s fear of clutter may have played a part in that). I now find myself regretting the loss of those books, as it would be lovely to have my childhood collection there for me to pick up again and peruse as I did nearly thirty years ago. I know that they’re all in print again so I could buy them afresh, but that’s just not the same. Suffice to say that if I did suddenly find myself in possession of a magical box of a time machine, going back and saving my books wouldn’t be the first thing I did, but I’d eventually get around to it.Really, by anyone’s standards, the plot – robotic yetis attacking a Tibetan monastery under the orders of a disembodied alien intelligence – is insane. And yet Terrence Dicks carries it off with straight faced brilliance, never for a single paragraph acknowledging the slightest suspicion that this is anything other than an absolutely serious, scary and dangerous adventure. I love Terrence Dicks’ prose. Yes it isn’t the most exciting style in the world, but it’s clean and its crisp and it moves this incredibly fast paced story along in a way which is delightfully unobtrusive. It’s an accessible prose style, one perfectly suited to all readers from the ages from eight to eighty. And that’s why I think this book is, for what it is, practically perfect: a spin-off from a television series, an absolutely crazy plot, and rather than being shut off or limited by that, just loudly proclaiming “Come one, come all – Everyone is welcome!”
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