TOP Decalog 2: Lost Property by Mark Stammers (Editor) eng full no registration francais download

TOP Decalog 2: Lost Property by Mark Stammers (Editor) eng full no registration francais download

TOP Decalog 2: Lost Property by Mark Stammers (Editor) eng full no registration francais download

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Book description
TEN STORIES - SEVEN DOCTORS - NO FIXED ABODEImaginatively entitled DECALOG 2, this is the second collection of Doctor Who short fiction. And this time the theme is the Doctors home - inasmuch as a peripatetic Time Lord can be said to have a home.As before, the editors have gathered a galaxy of star writers to illuminate the theme. Many of the contributors will be well known to readers of the New Adventures and the Missing Adventures series of novels: Daniel Blythe, Paul Cornell, Andy Lane, David McIntee and Gareth Roberts are prolific Doctor Who authors. And as before this volume also includes contributions from new writers.In these stories, among many other unexpected occurrences, the Doctor meets a pretender to the English throne, Nyssa meets a ghost, Zoe gets lost in time, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart is dismissed from UNIT, and K-9 is in electrifying form. And the Kandyman is on Tara in a verse play in iambic pentameters.-----STORY LISTVortex of Fear by Gareth Roberts (Second Doctor, Jamie, Zoe)Crimson Dawn by Tim Robins (Fourth Doctor, Leela, K-9 Mark I)Where the Heart Is by Andy Lane (Third Doctor, Jo)The Trials of Tara by Paul Cornell (Seventh Doctor, Bernice Summerfield)Housewarming by David A. McIntee (Sarah Jane, Mike Yates, K-9 Mark III)The Nine-Day Queen by Matthew Jones (First Doctor, Ian, Barbara)Lonely Days by Daniel Blythe (Fifth Doctor, Nyssa)People of the Trees by Pam Baddeley (Fourth Doctor, Leela)Timeshare by Vanessa Bishop (Sixth Doctor, Peri)Question Mark Pyjamas by Robert Perry and Mike Tucker (Seventh Doctor, Ace, Bernice Summerfield)
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