TOP Dead of Night by Jim Bambra online iBooks prewiew german touch

TOP Dead of Night by Jim Bambra online iBooks prewiew german touch

TOP Dead of Night by Jim Bambra online iBooks prewiew german touch

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Book description
The demon hunter becomes the hunted13 July 2013 When I started reading this game book I sort of groaned as it seemed to be another one of those fantasy/horror ones that have been repeatedly done before, however it actually turned out to be a lot better than I expected. Okay, the theme of the book, namely that you are a demon-hunter who is out to rescue your parents from the hands of an evil demon lord may seem a little too familiar, but it does of differs from a number of the other books I have seen. First of all you are a very experienced warrior (which is the case with a number of the books at this end of the series) but the goal is more to rescue your parents, while saving the world only comes in at a close second. Mind you, having a arch-enemy written into the story also changes it a bit as well (namely because most of the antagonists dont actually have a personal vendetta against you). Another difference with this book is that you start off with a number of talents, or powers if you will, that help you through the book. However, you are a knight templar, or more like a paladin for those familiar with Dungeons & Dragons terminology, and you have picked up these powers during your career as a demon-hunter. The powers are a little strange though because some of them suggest that you have picked them up because you have been fighting demons for so long that you have taken on some of their traits. There is also a new statistic called the Evil score, which sort of suggests that if you do certain actions then you become progressively more evil. This leads to a couple of times where you must test your evil, failure meaning that you effectively go over to the dark side. I suspect that the reason that they ended up having only fantasy stories, and also mixing horror into these stories, at this end of the series is probably because these are the ones that proved to be popular. As such I suspect it has more to do with money than anything else because if the science-fiction ones didnt sell all that well then I guess they are not going to be making many more. It is a shame because a part of me liked the science-fiction ones. Also there is the super-hero and the post apocalyptic books, of which one was only ever written for each genre. Mind you, when I was reading these books originally I was only ever interested in the fantasy ones, and also ones that were suggestive of your adventures in the earlier ones. However, the ones at this end seem to be a lot of save the world sort of adventures as opposed to the ones at the beginning, such as the Forest of Doom or The City of Thieves (or even Island of the Lizard King). Still, I am gradually making my way through them and hopefully can get on to some of the other game book series within a year or so.
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