TOP Danger at the Circus! (Children of the Nile #4) by Alain Surget view spanish free francais itunes

TOP Danger at the Circus! (Children of the Nile #4) by Alain Surget view spanish free francais itunes

TOP Danger at the Circus! (Children of the Nile #4) by Alain Surget view spanish free francais itunes

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Book description

Book description
Cleo, Imeni, and Antinios are excited to travel to Rome with Cleopatra and Caesar. But if they think they will be safe on their voyage, they are very wrong!Someone has tried to assassinate Cleopatra and Caesar, and the betrayer could be someone close to the general. Who is behind this latest scheme? The children will have to search every dangerous corner of Rome to find the person responsible.
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